miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014

do to list

Hello. I know we’re in that time of the year and that everyone is going crazy but I don’t want to talk about Christmas, I want to talk about YOU.
You had to go through a lot this year, bad and good things, believe it or not there where good and amazing and crazy and happy moments this year, you just can’t see them because for some reason you are stuck in a moment that doesn’t leave you to see how good you and your life are.. Believe me, YOU ARE AWSOME. Yes yes, I know I don’t know you, I don’t know anything about you, but I know that you are worthy living and you deserve to live your dreams and to be happy.
You may think that this year sucks and it was shit.. maybe you are right, but what happens with those going out at the middle of the night, or when you watched your fav movie, or readed your fav book or when you just got to home or just slept all day or simply when you did what the fuck you wanted at the moment you wanted.. my friend all those moments are the ones that make every year unrepeatable and special.
And because I want you to remember those kind of days I want you to do some things next year (I made them this year and it wasn’t my best year, but it wasn’t the worst):
1.       Every day that something happens that makes you feel good (in any way) write it down the date and whatever it was (a song that just got stuck in your head, the movie that you watched, etc)
2.       Do things that you normally don’t do
3.       Do exercise (it’s good for body and mind)
4.       Find healthier ways to express your emotion and feeling (I know that it’s easier to just cut or get drunk or whatever but it’s not the answer)
5.       Don’t do anything that you don’t feel like doing
6.       Be curious, learn something new every day and write down the things you want to remember
7.       Study so you can pass the summer doing nothing
8.       If you’re dealing with any kind of problem ask for help (if you cut, purge, starve, drink a lot, use pills please follow this step right away)
9.       Cut out anything or anyone that makes you question what you really worth or if it makes you cry more than it makes you laugh
10.   Do things that makes YOU happy and don’t let anyone take them away from you and FIGHT for them
I really hope that this helps you because I really want you to be happy and I really wish you the best and send you my best vibe… I really wanna hug you right you
I love you a lot.
If you believe/love/get excited about Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS

If you don’t like it, or don’t feel the spirit, HAPPY 24TH 25TH OF DECEMBER 


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